New here - I have a few questions about Gastric Bypass
I am 32 years old and 204 lbs. At 5'2, I am miserable and havent taken a picture with my children in over 2 years. I woke up today and decided I have to have either lap-band or gastric bypass surgery sooner than later. I have tried every diet under the sun, I have joined gyms, you name it...
I wanted to know how much you have lost since your surgery and which surgery you think if better?
I think I am leaning more towards gastric bypass due to the lap band having slipping issues and also because I am quite confused about the constant injections of fluids and why I hear so many leakage stories? That kind of freaks me out. But then again, gastric doesnt sound like a walk in the park either. I have my first appointment with a local Bay Area doctor this week and just wanted to hear what I should expect, I guess?
Anyways, any gastric bypass success stories? I am scared, naturally.. but I need the support.
I live in the San Francisco Bay Area in California. I can use all the supprt I can get from others who are going through what I am.
I had RNY (gastric bypass). I had my surgery on March 26th and I have just hit my 100 pounds lost. I now have 25 pounds to go to goal..check out my profile.
It's not, which surgery I thing is better it is a decision you have to make on your own. I decided on gastric only because the Lap band it is a foreign object and I didn't want that, plus the constant injections. Also, like you I have tried everything under the sun to loose weight and keep it off. So I wanted something permanent.
As you said....gastric doesn't sound like a walk in the're right, but I am so HAPPY THAT I DID IT!!! The only regret I have is that I didn't do it sooner
Good luck on your decision and keep faith...

Thanks for getting back to me so quicky. I really want to have Gastric Bypass, I think? I mean.. I think thats the direction I am headed. The thing is, I am hoping my insurance will cover it. I have a 37 BMI, back problems, I sweat a lot, although I dont think I have high BP, but my mom died from high blood pressure issues when she was only 56 and my father also passed away at 52, although he died of bone cancer.
My thing is, if my BMI is 37 based on my height/weight, will Aetna insurance cover it? I have PPO insurance through my hubby. I cant afford to have this. The doctors office I spoke with here in the Bay Area, told me that 90 percent of insurances will cover this surgery if you stick the pre-op schedule. But, I dont know if that opinion is based on having a BMI of 40 or higher. Considering my families history, my sweating, back and breathing problems, will I qualify?
I just want to be able to take a picture with my children again and stop crying in my bathroom when everyone is sleeping at night. I want to smile again and mean it! Help! :(
My name is Julie I had my gastric bypass on 1/16/2008. I have lost 130lbs so far. I have 44lbs to my goal. I chose gastric bypass because of my weight at the time of surgery. I know its a hard decision to make. Just remember gastric bypass is not an easy way out of being overweight, its just a tool. After the "Honeymoon" is over, all the real work begins. Making the right choices and exercising. You will forever have to take vitamins. So far after everything I have been through, the only thing I can really say is..I would do it again in a heartbeat.

Good luck in your decision & life long journey,
I, too, had gastric bypass, and I don't regret it at all. I had a choice between the two, and chose the RNY. I've had no problems with it at all, and like others have said, there were times when I felt like I didn't even have the surgery, other than the fact that I couldn't eat much, everything physically felt normal.
But yes, the decision needs to be yours.
Blessings to you on your journey.

Look into the VSG (sleeve) and the DS.
I started out looking into the band because I didn't want malabsorption. Then I found out about all the long-term problems -- slippage, erosion, port flips, tube and band leakage -- and it started to freak me out. That caused me to look around more and I ended up with the VSG.
I love my sleeve! I have a normal, fully-functional stomach, just smaller. The restriction is great and helps a lot. But the best thing is that the part of my stomach that produces ghrelin is gone so I no longer am hungry all the time. That makes it much easier to stick to the plan.
Thank you so much for your support and all of your replies. I am going to go with the gastric bypass surgery, I have made up my mind. I think that is the better option for me.
However, do you think my insurance will cover it? Like I said, I am at about 37 BMI and I know you have to be at least 40 BMI, right? However, I do have constant neck/back problems and I have a hard time walking up steps or even cleaning the house without getting winded and very very sweaty. Even putting up Halloween decor was hard for me, I just dont want to live like this anymore. I want to change for myself and for my children.
Can I ask all of you how long it took from the day of your surgery to finally start seeing big results? idealy, I would like to drop about 90-95 lbs. I am about 204/205 right now and 5'2 tall.
I look pregnant and kids have asked me if I was at my childrens school, its embarrassing.
Anyways...I just want to start a new and I am hoping my journey wont be too much of a wait.
How long once you see the doctor for the 1st time, did it take all of you to have the surgery? My 1st appointment is this week.
Did you ladies see only one doctor or did you shop around for one?
Sorry I have so many questions! hehe
Hi Jessica,
Making the decision to have WSL is huge. I am 5' 1/2" tall, and weighed 226 pre-op. I am now at 122. My surgery was 7/3/07 so I'm a year and 3-4 months out. It was not a walk in the park, but I am so glad I did it and like Michelle, wish I did it sooner.
Have you checked to see if you have any other morbidities such as sleep apnea? I didn't know until I started doing the pre-op stuff that I had sleep apnea. I mention this as the insurance may be more likely to approve your surgery if you have other health issues. If you would like to ask me anything else, feel free to pm me.
Good luck and we'll be waiting to welcome you to the loser's bench!

Humm, I don't regret one minute of having my RNY. It will be 2 years in Dec for me, I have lost 170 lbs and holding now for almost 6 months. I have another 55 to lose, but my body may just be done. Check all your options, and call your insurance company yourself and find out if they cover it and how much they pay. I had Blue Cross PPO and it still cost me 1200 bucks. First I would find out which kind of surgery your insurance covers, most only cover RNY or lap band. That would be my first step, then move on from there. I never went to my doctor for advise about losing, I called my insurance company to start, got some names of doctors and went from there!
Good luck, Diane